How to Start Ranking with Apollo?

ZonSpeed Documentation

How to Start Ranking with Apollo?

  1. DO NOT UPDATE/CHANGE TITLE Bullet points, description and price  during the campaign.
    1. If updated/changed while ranking, stop the ASIN that was changed and wait for 1-3 days before testing keywords again before choosing Ranking Algorithm to rank.
  2. United States and Japan Marketplaces
    1. The lowest tier plan is able to rank around 2-3 Keywords simultaneously, depending how to split the Rank Juice.
    2. Suggest to start off with 8,500 Rank Juice minimum, then increase to 10,000, then 12,000 Rank Juice if required.
  3. Europe – (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom) and Canada are easier to rank
    1. The cheapest plan with 3 words simultaneously 
    2. Suggest to start off with 6,500 Rank Juice minimum
    3. 4,500 for long tail keywords which are 4+ words
  4. Before selecting a Ranking Algorithm , make sure to test keywords every time. Divide the variations and test each ASIN before ranking them.
  5. Amazon frequently changes the display options for variations on the variations page. It is not recommended to rank a variation, but booster links may sometimes work. Amazon will show the variation that has the most sales as the main image on search, while variations that do not convert will not be displayed.
  6. If the keyword test success rate is below 80%, it is best to wait and or redo the test later or the next day. Whether the product is new or old, as long as the test success rate is 80% or higher, we can proceed with ranking. If a keyword test has a 0% success rate, please contact us for a booster link.

We suggest that you also make multiple orders for giveaways, reviews, ratings, and feedback. Booster links may not always be effective, and rank juice will not be refunded if booster links do not result in ranking.

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Updated on February 12, 2023

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